Health Tips

A Healthy Guide on Taking Care of Dry Skin


The importance of keeping your skin hydrated cannot be stretched enough! Be it due to the winter season or simply owning a skin type that leads to dry skin, you need to take the extra steps in caring for it in order to avoid it from cracking, flaking, itching and sometimes even bleeding. Dry skin can have you face looking dull and wrinkly in time.

There is plenty that can be done in order to help you get through dry skin troubles. Finding a skin-care routine that works well with you and following it on a day-to-day basis can help you overcome dehydrated skin and avoid it from causing more damages. Here are some of the things you can consider doing in order to help keep you skin feeling soft, supple and fresh all time long.

Avoid using hot water

Using hot water on your skin is a big no! It is important to understand the right temperature of water you skin needs, and while hot water is not the healthy choice, lukewarm water is. This helps your skin get the necessary moisture without causing it from drying a lot more.

Avoid high fragrant products

When it comes to choosing your skin care products, there are several things you need to look into. One of it being the fragrance. Your skin is often very sensitive, and adding harsh ingredients or chemicals can further damage your skin and dehydrate it. Therefore, always opt for fragrance free products with gentle ingredients. You can check out such products and learn more at Skin Virtue Australia.

Use a gentle exfoliator

In order to get rid of the dry and flaky skin caused due to the lack of hydration, you need to make use of a gentle and subtle exfoliator. It will help get rid of all the excessive dead skin cells and allow space for new and healthy ones to grow. However, do not exfoliate your face more than once or twice a week.

Cleanse your skin

Of course, like every other part of your body, your face also needs a suitable cleanser in order to remove the build-up of oil as well as dirt. And like most other products, make sure your cleanser too does not have harsh chemicals present in it. You can easily find dermatology tested brands that provide cleansers suitable for specific skin types.

Apply a good layer of moisturizer

The key finishing to your skin care routine should be a perfect moisturizer. Using a good and thick layer of moisturizer at least twice a day can keep your skin feeling hydrated and soft. Not only does it slow down the effects of aging but it also helps rids the blatant visibility of wrinkles.

A few other habits you can keep up with is making use of hydrating masks and protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. As for the masks, you can even use natural ingredients to make one at the comfort of your home!

the authorRicardoMcclure