There are many portable ultrasound machines that are available in the market. They offer a convenient solution when it comes to emergency care and also in facilitating quick diagnoses. Patient care can be facilitated effectively when these machines can be used in the beginning in critical cases. The prices for these machines vary and there are many options that you can go with if you are looking for something affordable.
Mobile ultrasound machines are used in many areas of medicine such as emergency medicine, OB/GYN, cardiology, musculoskeletal, an aesthesiology etc. They are used in hospitals, private practices, emergency departments, radiology departments etc. and their applications are immense. Point of care is facilitated with portable ultrasound machines and it can help doctors make accurate and quick diagnoses that will help improve patient mortality. It is a way of understanding complications early. These devices allow health care professionals more flexibility as there is no need to have clinical space taken up by bulky machines. You can simply move these machines from room to room or from one facility to another.

The high end portable ultrasound machines are very lightweight and compact. They provide highly advanced imaging solutions. These offer speckle reduction imaging and provide needle visualisation. Clinicians will be able to see enhanced tissue interfaces and border differentiation with these high end machines. Also, images are optimised to take the least amount of time. The machines are very easy to use as well. You will be able to have colour Doppler features with high end machines and they provide comprehensive reporting and measurement packages. The batteries for the machines are long lasting as well. There is only a limited variety of high end machines because of the complexity when it comes to concentrating advanced imaging features on a compact machine.
When it comes to mid-range portable ultrasound machines, you will be able to find a vast variety of options. These also have good image quality and they are easy to use by anyone. There are many scanning applications but there are some limitations when compared to the high end machines. These machines are mostly used by private practitioners who need mobile solutions as they are moving from one clinic to another. They provide tissue Doppler imaging and colour Doppler. These also provide needle visualisation and speckle reduction imaging. You will be able to access comprehensive reporting packages with these machines as well.

There is also an economy range when it comes to these machines and their features are largely limited when compared to the above two categories. But these have satisfactory performance and they can be used in instances where you don’t require advanced imaging. There are many applications for these machines such as point of care, general imaging, veterinary applications etc. These can be used as alternative options or back up machines as well. If you don’t need to carry out frequent ultrasound imaging, this will be sufficient for your purpose. There is satisfactory Doppler image quality and speckle reduction imaging. The measurement and reporting packaged are limited.